Author Archives: Niwa
Deleted Some Posts out of self-consciousness
This website hasn’t been up for too many months and I’m already deleting shit. I got rid of that “About Me” post I made, because I fear that I came off as “too personal” in that post. It’s not a … Continue reading
I Want to Review Movies
…Well, not quite in the typical way. I don’t want to become some shitty Youtube reviewer that gets a fanbase of annoying shallow cunts who treat all my opinions as ex cathedra statements. And I actually technically do have a … Continue reading
LOVE, Arc 1, Chapter 3
The next few days went by with no further incident. It almost seemed like that day shift I worked at was just going to be another series of memories that would stick around in my brain for me to occasionally … Continue reading
LOVE, Arc 1, Chapter 2
Nothing interesting happened while I was at Marisa’s grave, but then again, I picked this specific area precisely because nobody comes around here. I hang around there for about an hour or two before I figure that it’s best for … Continue reading
LOVE, Arc 1, Chapter 1
“Welcome to Mildred’s Shop, can I help you with anything?” The customer who walked in gives a typical “No I’m good” response with the kind of face that shows he’s trying to be nice but is clearly annoyed with me. … Continue reading
First Letter Bag…Kinda
I’m currently in the midst of struggling with anxiety and nerves of posting my creative writing to the internet, so I’ve decided to post the first of what I’d like to be a series of posts. Even though I’m just … Continue reading
Welcome to the Site
I go by Niwa. I am nothing more than a random weeb. I’ve been finding myself increasingly disillusioned by the state of the modern internet and found myself wanting to create my own website to escape from it all. Thus, … Continue reading