This website hasn’t been up for too many months and I’m already deleting shit. I got rid of that “About Me” post I made, because I fear that I came off as “too personal” in that post. It’s not a good idea to get “too personal” on 2020s internet in general. Furthermore, I don’t want to risk starting problematic parasocial relationships with my potential (and hopefully someday true) audience.
I have also deleted all of the Japanese posts and will be editing old posts that reference it. My Japanese is shit, and while I was trying to polish it up, that didn’t change the fact that my Japanese is shit and machine translation won’t fix that. I just realized how much I was potentially embarrassing myself.
That said, if you’re curious about my little LOVE story, well I’ll keep posting it. I don’t have much of it written, but posting the story publicly on the internet is giving me incentive to get back into continuing the story.
But yeah, I deleted some posts. Maybe it’s dumb to make a post announcing this, but I just don’t want to startle people with sudden changes is all.
Edit From the Future: Deleted other personal posts on the website. The THC one and the one about ghosting a now ex-Discord friend. Again, I feel like I went a bit “too personal” for those. I don’t feel ashamed about the THC gummies I took, but I do feel a bit ashamed of that Discord post. Granted I didn’t publicly state any names, but I’m bringing out private internet bullshit on my public website. I don’t need to explain why that’s a bad idea.