I Want to Review Movies

…Well, not quite in the typical way. I don’t want to become some shitty Youtube reviewer that gets a fanbase of annoying shallow cunts who treat all my opinions as ex cathedra statements. And I actually technically do have a movie review blog out on livejournal that hasn’t been updated for months (And it’s under a different username, so it’s doubtful you’ll find it).

I think what I want to do is delete that blog and start anew with the same niche that I was catering to with that blog. The issue then is, if I decide to restart the blog then I have to decide, do it on this site, or get another domain for that? See, while doing it on this website seems like the obvious choice, it’s not something I’d really want to do as the reviews would end up overtaking all other posts on her (I have done over 100 reviews on that blog). So getting another domain would probably be the better choice, but then I don’t know what platform I should use.

Still, it is something that I enjoyed doing, miss not doing, and now that I have a more centralized website for both my weeb and non-weeb interests, it wouldn’t really be an issue to say, have a link to my movie review site with it’s specific niche catering. I suppose there’s also the issue of “restarting” the blog, but honestly I’m okay with that. The older reviews on the blog are absolute dogshit, I’ve grown to dislike the way I was doing things on that blog, and the idea of rewatching the movies I reviewed (even the ones I hated) sounds like fun.

So yeah, once I get all of that figured out, expect to see me advertising it on here. As for the niche? Well, you’ll see once the website’s done. But it’s a niche that’s fitting with my general degenerate nature.

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About Niwa

Weeb, menhera, degenerate, borderline femcel.
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