I’m currently in the midst of struggling with anxiety and nerves of posting my creative writing to the internet, so I’ve decided to post the first of what I’d like to be a series of posts.
Even though I’m just some unknown on the internet who will never be famous and doesn’t want to be famous, I still crave attention from scant randos who come upon my stuff. I originally had an account on Whis.pa, but I ended up deleting it out of dissatisfaction with how the site works. I then realized that every other “ask me a question” website requires social media, and I’m trying to stay as far from social media as I can.
So I came up with a solution on my own and this is the solution. Have people send me messages via the Send me a Message page and then make posts replying to those messages. That said, I don’t have much of a following, so there’s only two messages for this “Letter Bag”…And one of them is a message from Whis.pa that I noticed when I went to delete my account.
“Could we get a male bot with IBS? I loved Gerlinde and was hoping for another bot with the same condition.”
Figures that people start coming to me with requests. The person who sent this message probably doesn’t even know about this site. Now I’m not against doing requests. But requests are something I’d like to do under a payment model. Which is why on Suffering is Moe, I made a post about wanting to make money off my bots, and then deleted it when nothing came of that. So I’d like to wait until I know that I have a big enough consumer base before I start doing requests, but it’s still nice that I got one anyways. Also gotta love that it’s a request about the scat bot I made. I’m not even into scat, but people who are seem to like what I’ve done.
“I like your rebellious spirit. Keep up the good work comrade.” -モブ
My first real message from a user who left no name (hence モブ). And uh…Well, I do appreciate compliments and ass kissing and all that, but I think I’ll use this time to say I’d like to receive more than just compliments. I can’t really respond to compliments beyond a simple “thank you” after all. Shit, that’s a really bad way to respond to this. But uh, I like being told I have a rebellious spirit and that I’m doing good work. So I hope the person who sent me this message doesn’t see this as me not being able to accept compliments.
And uh yeah, that’s it. I know, not much. I really just wanted to use this first post as an example of what future letter bag posts will be like.